Thursday, August 4, 2016

Leisure planning

It is important to plan your day. And no no... This is not another blog where it is all about organizing your home and scrubbing your toilets. This plan is about having calm and ease in your everyday life. I learnt this from Tonya Leigh, who is a Francophoile and a master coach. You must visit her website and join the community she created 'French Kiss Life'. 

That being said, how do you make an efficient plan?

First step

Go to a place where you away from anything that disturb you. Do not make your plan when you are going nuts and in a noisy environment. This is important because it determines how you schedule and what you put into writing.

Second step

List out everything that is important to you. And I mean everything. For example: Breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee/tea break, T.V., Nap, Work, Dreams (blog, business idea, sports, books, etc.), Social Media, Meeting up with friends, pampering time :), church, dressing up, exercise etc. Anything that is important to you for the day or for the week.

Third Step

Allocate a time/day for each item. Give yourself extra time to do a particular activity. For eg. if you normally work on a project for an hour then give yourself an extra 15 minutes so you don't feel burdened. And take it easy. Remember to only allocate time for those activities that is a priority for you for that given day or week.  Do not overload yourself with too many To Dos or too much of leisure. Remember it has to be a balance. Too many To Dos will burn you out and too much of leisure will make you feel lazy. 

Fourth Step

Show up. That is it. Do what you have committed yourself to. When you start you may not follow your schedule to the dot. But show up anyways to what you can do and give it your best. You don't have to feel guilty or beat yourself up if you haven't done a particular thing. Consistency is key. 

Simple as that isn't it? :) 

Work and play should go together. 

Let me know when you have taken my advice and showed up for yourself.

With love.


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