Thursday, August 4, 2016

Presently Thankful

I recently visited Westin spa and resort in Abu Dhabi and stayed there for two nights. It was magnificent. I knew it as soon as we stepped into the room that this was going to be a good stay. Even my 2 year old toddler was grinning when he saw the room. When we got back home, I wondered why is it that I did not feel the same way in my own home. I even enjoyed drinking a cup of peppermint tea while sitting on the sofa in the hotel room. I never do this while at home. You will always find me busy. So I went out and bought peppermint tea for myself ;) and sat down to wonder why did I feel at ease and relaxed at Westin. And I figured out what I was missing out... 

Could you guess what it is? 

Ever since then I try to practice it into my home life. And it makes a great deal of difference. 

Have you guessed what it is? Well here goes...

Being present and thankful.

Think about it... When you go on vacation, you do not worry about what is going to happen next or how you are going to pay your bills or what you are going to cook. You are being present in that moment and taking in all of the experiences. And at end of the day you reminisce and be thankful about it. This causes a major shift within you.

However, in the beginning when you do this, it may feel weird especially when you are so accustomed to overthink about everything. I use to find it very difficult to even watch a episode of my favorite T.V. series. And when it comes to food, it is use to be a lot of mindless eating of junk. So does this mean I am where I visualize myself to be? Not yet and I am a work in progress. And one thing I am working on is leisurely planning my day  ( I think this is the most beautiful way of getting things done while still having fun. 

Will you join me in my journey? Together we can create moments from what we use to earlier consider monotonous activities. 

With love.


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