Monday, August 8, 2016

Starting a YouTube Channel

I have a YouTube channel and I mainly have a lot of cooking videos. I don't say I enjoy cooking everyday but there are days when I love to experiment and try new recipe. When they turn out good, I share them with my YouTube viewers. I am not at the moment sure of what I want to express with my channel but I do know I love to make videos and post them. It is always fun to look back and remember the good times. 

In general, taking a lot of videos of you, your family and friends is good. One thing is it shows from where you have come to where you are now and secondly there are so much good memories created and I am hoping my generations will see them and know what a cool great person I am. ;)

I would recommend anyone who has the interest to start a YouTube channel but have not yet gotten to it to stop thinking a lot about it and just start one. It is a everyday project and there is so many fun ways to expand your channel's content. 

Some people ask me if I started YouTube for financial purposes. And to them I say Yes and No. I don't expect making a million bucks from my videos yet but in future I know I will be making money from it. The key is to be consistent and be as original as you can be. Share your passion with the world and people will see it and those interested will join you. Don't worry about those who don't want to. No two people are the same so let them be as is. Continue to do what you love and share it with the world. There are many out there who are seeking help or inspiration and they will find you.

And to those who would are going to start a channel, remember YouTube is a community of people. There are so many YouTubers who share similar passions as you and keep in touch with them. Slowly you will see your channel grow. And remember if you have nothing good to say, then either don't say it or be respectful and convey your message in a respectable manner. You will be looked down upon if you are constantly bashing everyone else.

Anyways, I hope this helps.

You can check out my channel here:

Here is to the next youtuber! (raising glass)

With love.


Talk it out with your child!

The last two days has been challenging for me especially when I decided to talk to my toddler instead of time outs and other forms of punishment. It really amazes me how the devil throws these situation to test my will. And it all comes together. These are situations which never happened before I made the decision. But I am so glad that I stuck to what I decided.

Sometimes we just have to do that. We have to force ourselves and be determined to stick to our resolutions. You may not feel like it but you just have to. Especially if this for the best for both you and your family. 

I noticed how happy my son was when I was talking and explaining to him rather than raise my voice and give him a time out. He did not have his ego hurt and he was more willing to do things out of understanding rather than the fear of being punished. 

And wow... did I feel better. It seems like talking and reasoning with your child demands more patience, however, try yelling at your kids and see how that makes you feel. I am telling you from experience the former is an easier choice.

Parenting is lot of trial and error. 

It definitely does not have 'one method fits all' approach. You have to try everything and see what works best for you and your family in that particular season. And just when you think you have it all figured out, a new seasons dawns in and you need a whole new parenting approach. 

Bottom line is your children need boundaries, rules and lots and lots of love. They grow as strong individuals in that environment.  Our work is to make sure we give them these without hurting their ego. A 2 year old does have ego. I speak from experience.

Happy parenting.


Sunday, August 7, 2016

Be content

I love to watch vlogs of people who inspire me spiritually and to grow as a person. And one such vlogger is Hillary from ourfarmhouse. You can follow her on YouTube (

Whenever I watch her and her husband Joe spend time together, it creates a beautiful moment. They are funny together as a couple and individually they both seem happy to be who they are and where they are in life. I was reading some of the comments from other YouTube  members on their video and one in particular got me thinking which led me to write this post. The comment was how they both seemed to be in content with each other.

The word 'content' got me thinking. I started to question myself... How often am I content with my life? And the answer was a lot many times, I am happy with who I have become and my family. However, it is not always sunshine for me. There are days when I feel that I could be more and have more. I know I am not alone on this and you have experienced the same. I know you have... ;)

Well that is when we need to stop whatever we are doing, sit down with a cup of tea or coffee and thank God for what He is doing in our life. He knows what is best for us and we are where we are because that is where He wants us to be. We need to praise Him for seeing the whole picture. We never see the grand picture and we often miss out on why things are different from what we expected. We must thank God when He answers our prayer and be content when He does not. 

Do your everyday activities with a heart of content and gratitude. 

Trust me, it makes a lot of difference for your human and spiritual self.

So next time you dread to wash the dishes, remember be thankful that you had a meal to eat and be content in having an empty sink after your done.

Undermount Kitchen Sink Magnificent Undermount Kitchen Sink

Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Philippians 4:11-13

Happily content.


Thursday, August 4, 2016

Note your Moments

What do I mean by this?

Just note the moments that makes you happy and at ease and do a lot more of it often. And yet I find myself doing the exact opposite. For example, I am a Christian and love to read my Bible. Every time I read and meditate, I know for sure I am equipped to thrive that day. And still some days I find myself browsing useless contents on the Internet and having a rather unproductive day. It may seem that I have made the Bible my way of living a beautiful life and it is true. It may be different for you. But my point is that you do more of what brings you joy, ease, comfort, good health and calmness. Make time for your moments every single day.

Create your moments. Create your day.

With love.


Presently Thankful

I recently visited Westin spa and resort in Abu Dhabi and stayed there for two nights. It was magnificent. I knew it as soon as we stepped into the room that this was going to be a good stay. Even my 2 year old toddler was grinning when he saw the room. When we got back home, I wondered why is it that I did not feel the same way in my own home. I even enjoyed drinking a cup of peppermint tea while sitting on the sofa in the hotel room. I never do this while at home. You will always find me busy. So I went out and bought peppermint tea for myself ;) and sat down to wonder why did I feel at ease and relaxed at Westin. And I figured out what I was missing out... 

Could you guess what it is? 

Ever since then I try to practice it into my home life. And it makes a great deal of difference. 

Have you guessed what it is? Well here goes...

Being present and thankful.

Think about it... When you go on vacation, you do not worry about what is going to happen next or how you are going to pay your bills or what you are going to cook. You are being present in that moment and taking in all of the experiences. And at end of the day you reminisce and be thankful about it. This causes a major shift within you.

However, in the beginning when you do this, it may feel weird especially when you are so accustomed to overthink about everything. I use to find it very difficult to even watch a episode of my favorite T.V. series. And when it comes to food, it is use to be a lot of mindless eating of junk. So does this mean I am where I visualize myself to be? Not yet and I am a work in progress. And one thing I am working on is leisurely planning my day  ( I think this is the most beautiful way of getting things done while still having fun. 

Will you join me in my journey? Together we can create moments from what we use to earlier consider monotonous activities. 

With love.


Leisure planning

It is important to plan your day. And no no... This is not another blog where it is all about organizing your home and scrubbing your toilets. This plan is about having calm and ease in your everyday life. I learnt this from Tonya Leigh, who is a Francophoile and a master coach. You must visit her website and join the community she created 'French Kiss Life'. 

That being said, how do you make an efficient plan?

First step

Go to a place where you away from anything that disturb you. Do not make your plan when you are going nuts and in a noisy environment. This is important because it determines how you schedule and what you put into writing.

Second step

List out everything that is important to you. And I mean everything. For example: Breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee/tea break, T.V., Nap, Work, Dreams (blog, business idea, sports, books, etc.), Social Media, Meeting up with friends, pampering time :), church, dressing up, exercise etc. Anything that is important to you for the day or for the week.

Third Step

Allocate a time/day for each item. Give yourself extra time to do a particular activity. For eg. if you normally work on a project for an hour then give yourself an extra 15 minutes so you don't feel burdened. And take it easy. Remember to only allocate time for those activities that is a priority for you for that given day or week.  Do not overload yourself with too many To Dos or too much of leisure. Remember it has to be a balance. Too many To Dos will burn you out and too much of leisure will make you feel lazy. 

Fourth Step

Show up. That is it. Do what you have committed yourself to. When you start you may not follow your schedule to the dot. But show up anyways to what you can do and give it your best. You don't have to feel guilty or beat yourself up if you haven't done a particular thing. Consistency is key. 

Simple as that isn't it? :) 

Work and play should go together. 

Let me know when you have taken my advice and showed up for yourself.

With love.
